Saturday, October 25, 2008

100th post giveaway.


In celebration of my one hundredth post, I am hosting my first giveaway. My husband gave me a Chicken Little "the sky is falling" talk at dinner last night about the economy, so in an effort to spend less by using things I already have, I am pulling a favorite item from my gift stash.

Kim from 3 Peanuts turned me on to Henri Bendel's Vanilla Bean candles. I have one in my kitchen and one by my bathtub. The candle smells wonderful, but its scent is subtle, not overpowering.

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post by midnight, Central Time, on Halloween. I'll have Vivian, who is an overwhelming favorite of my blog readers, draw for the winner, whom I'll announce next Saturday.

Have a good weekend!


sallywrites said...

That looks as if it smells lovely!

Marian said...

Are family members eligible? :)

3 Peanuts said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. While I only found you recently, I have thoroughly enjoyed following along.

You know I LOVE these so I must enter! I cannot wait to find mine (hidden in the boxes) and light one so that my new house smells like "home."

Have a nice "fall" weekend.


Mistress Meeyee said...

Happy 100th!!!!!!!!!That candle looks tasty! count me in!Cheers to you!

Ivy Lane said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I just started blogging, what fun it is! And all the wonderful, talented people we get to meet..well sort of meet...Bon Weekend!

Ivy Lane said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I just started blogging, what fun it is! And all the wonderful, talented people we get to meet..well sort of meet...Bon Weekend!

Dayna said...

Congrats! I loooove those candles, they are my favorite.

Abby said...

Would love to win this lovely candle!

ajcmeyer AT go DOT com

Weeksie50 said...

Happy 100th! I have seen that particular brand.. but have never bought it.. I have always wondered if it was a good candle.. so many times you buy them only to be able to smell them in the jar and not when they burn..ugh..

kamewh said...

Sounds wonderful!! Happy 100th post!

Melody said...

WOW! So many posts! Congrats to reaching your 100th! Hope i can win..

Have a great day ahead!


Anonymous said...

Would love to win that... Great posts so far! keep at it!

Hui Shan

Anonymous said...

What a lovely candle! It must smell real good.. I love vanilla bean ice cream so i trust that this must be equally or even better! Count me in!


Nanee Plainy said...

Congratulations on your 100th post!

I love vanilla! Hope I win!

Amber M. said...

Me! ME! Oh, ME! Vanilla is one of my favorite scents. Ever.

And happy 100th! I'm so grateful we found each other in the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Happy 100th! I've been wanting to treat myself to one of these candles. I sure would like to win one.

Anonymous said...

Happy 100th post! I love vanilla! Thanks for the giveaway!

JDSampson said...

Nothing smells better than vanilla - it's relaxing and uplifting all at the same time.

Michele P. said...

congrats on your 100th post! I love candles, so please count me in!

micaela6955 at msn dot com

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Oh boy...I am a confirmed candle Ho. I have never had the pleasure of smelling that one. So. Add. Me. In!!

And this is for dear Vivian----> Pick me! And even if ya don't...I still love ya!

ELLIE said...

I so love the smell of vanilla - how wonderful!!

daytoncat said...

Vanilla Bean sounds simply delightful! Please enter me and thanks!

Chrissy said...

Congrat! I love the smell of vanilla. Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

Mmm! Vanilla scent is wonderful!
Elaine R

Anonymous said...

This looks like it would smell yummy, I love vanilla!

Thank you!
onenightoff (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I'd love to enter just love vanilla.

Christie said...

OMG! These are my favoriteeeeeeee candles. I had one that I milked down to the last little nub. Yaaay, pick me, pick me!!


Kimmy said...

i luv Henri Bendel!!

Rhonda said...

Sounds wonderful! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Thank you

Amy L said...

Happy 100th post! I love vanilla scented candles.

Hopsy said...

CONGRATS on your 100th post!!! I am a huge fan of all candles. Have you tried the Slatkin (now Nest) candles? Their Christmas and Elton John scent are amazing. This on one too sounds fabulous.

PS- Madison has the placemats as I think I mentioned before. They are $40 a piece, so only $32 with your PC!

Stacy said...

Great product for a giveaway. Congrats on 100!!

Jen lleras said...

I love vanilla! grats on your 100th, keep of the good work!

Kristin W. said...

My husband and I love vanilla scents. Looks like such a cute product!

Anonymous said...

Yeay for 100! Go you!

Anonymous said...

*Eloise, I had lunch with Biba today and she told me about your blog. How in the world did the journalism dept. at SMU ever let the math dept. "snag" you! I am so--impressed with your creativity. And yes, I am going to enter your contest on Halloween in hopes that Vivian will draw my name. Love anything from Henri Bendels. I loved going there in Chicago.
A friend of mine here is keeping her grand daughter this week and had a similar situation. Kristen is retarded and has seizures. It happened in Krogers. An adult angel came by and said "I have seizures myself and I can help you". She did just that.
Congratulations on your blog. I have you bookmarked now and can enjoy .

Margaret Weber
ps I am going to try your pizza--sounds great as I have never made my crust.

Tina said...

Congratulations!! Thanks so much...